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Bit Manipulation

# a&b
# Multiplication 1&1 = 1, 1&0 = 0, 0&0 = 0, 101 & 111 = 101

# a | b
# Addition 1|1 = 11, 1|0 = 1, 0|0 = 0, 101 | 111 = 111

# ~a
# Negation(not) ~1 = 0, ~0 =1, ex: ~101 = 010

# a >> n
# Right shift a by n,
# Ex: 100101 >> 1 = 10010...same as saying remove the last n bit(s)
print(100101 >> 1)

# a << n
# Left shift by n,
# Ex: 100101 << 1 = 00101..same as saying remove the first n bit(s)
print(100101 << 1)

XOR Properties

# XOR properties:  
# a ^ a = 0 => Same elements xored will result in zero
# a ^ 0 = a => Element xored with zero will result the element itself

Find Non Duplicate with XOR

# a ^ b ^ a = b  
# a ^ a is zero and zero ^ b is the element itself which is b
a = [4,4,7,4,4]
res = 0
for elt in a:
res = res ^ elt
print(res) # prints 7

Looping in Bit World

  • Standard code: how to loop bits
x = 10101
while x: #eventually x will be zero=false
last_bit = x % 2 #or last_bit = x & 1
x = x >> 1 #or x = x << 1
  • Tips and tricks
a = 12
print(a>>1) #-> equal to -> a / 2
print(a<<1) #-> equal to -> a * 2